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Wellness Journey Starter Kit

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The natural benefits of herbs are not something that can be experienced immediately. Unlike medicines, they speak gradually and gently to our bodies.

Drinking a cup of warm herbal tea warms our body, provide a sense of relaxation, and we experience temporary changes. However, it is important for us to understand our own body condition and gradually introduce the benefits of nature to ourselves. Try drinking herbal tea every day in place of other beverages. Once we get into the rhythm of drinking herbal tea, it becomes an indispensable part of our lives.

To effectively harness the benefits of natural herbs, the key is to take herbal tea on a regular basis.
It is recommended to drink between 500ml to 1L of herbal tea throughout the day. Find your tea time rhythm to suit your own lifestyle.


Starting your day with a cup of herbal tea






Brew in a pot and carry it around in a tumbler to drink whenever you like in the afternoon


During the evening when your body needs to relax with the aroma and warmth of the herbal tea 

The 3 month program is a recommended way to gradually experience the various health benefits of drinking herbal tea by habitually introducing herbal tea into our daily lives over the span of 1 to 3 months.

Simply replace your daily hydration with herbal tea. It is surprisingly easy to use herbs for your health and beauty.

Building a foundation is essential as it means draining away body toxins, by replacing other beverages with herbal tea. This helps the body absorb healthy nutrients of the herbs.

Replace your daily hydration with herbal is the simplest way to start.

It is the time when our bodies get into the rhythm of drinking herbal tea and absorbing the health benefits of the herbs.

Our bodies start to experience the benefits of the herbs, slowly and steadily, just like a plant sprouting.

Health and beauty are nurtured slowly over time. Continue to maintain them while cherishing the feeling of realness. As we maintain, the carefully nurtured buds will blossom and bear fruit.

By this time, it becomes habitual that we start to listen to our body.