BURDOCK ROOT - renowned for its detoxifying properties, burdock root supports your body's elimination pathways, aiding in the removal of impurities and promoting internal balance
DANDELION ROOT - a potent ally in cleansing, dandelion root helps your body eliminate toxins, while offering a grounding earthy flavor that connects you to the healing power of nature
MILK THISTLE - known for its liver-supporting attributes, milk thistle assists in promoting liver health and detoxification, leaving you with a sense of renewal
FENNEL SEEDS - with their gentle and soothing properties, fennel seeds contribute to digestive comfort and add a touch of sweetness to the blend
PEPPERMINT - refreshing and invigorating, peppermint enlivens the blend while aiding digestion and providing a sense of clarity
LEMON BALM - known for its calming qualities, lemon balm contributes to relaxation and tranquility, creating a well-rounded and soothing experience

“ヘイズ対策で買いましたが、飲みやすくて家族で飲んでいます” “肌が綺麗になった気がします”
“お酒を飲んだ日の後の二日酔いが断然軽くなりました” “むくみがよくなりました”
“便秘が改善しました!” “他のメーカーのデトックス系のお茶は、全く違うと実感して、他のものが飲めなくなりました。”
“家族も皆で飲んでます!体脂肪率が減りました” “体調が良くなりました”
How to Drink WHITETREE Tea
▷ You can make 2-3 cups (500ml to 700ml) with each teabag. Try to make the full amount at once instead of reusing the teabag. For example, some customers brew a full flask in the morning to enjoy it throughout the day.
▷ Use 100°C boiling water for better extraction from the herbs.
How to Store WHITETREE Tea
▷ All WHITETREE teas come in teabags
▷ Store in a sealable bag such as a ziploc bag or container to preserve the natural aroma and flavor.
▷ Store in a dark and cool place away from direct sunlight. Storing in the refrigerator is recommended. It is vulnerable to humidity, and flowers tend to fade due to direct sunlight.