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YUNIKON 髪色を保つカラーシャンプー<退色した髪色のためのアフターケアシャンプー>

美白・補修の秘密 - 最新成分ナノ分子を配合し、髪色をより長く、より明るく持続させます。髪のダメージを抑え、抗酸化作用を高め、髪をいきいきと彩りよく保ちます。カラーは輝きとハイライトの豊かさを取り戻し、髪は柔らかさを取り戻します。



How to Drink WHITETREE Tea

▷ You can make 2-3 cups (500ml to 700ml) with each teabag. Try to make the full amount at once instead of reusing the teabag. For example, some customers brew a full flask in the morning to enjoy it throughout the day.

▷ Use 100°C boiling water for better extraction from the herbs.

How to Store WHITETREE Tea

▷ All WHITETREE teas come in teabags

▷ Store in a sealable bag such as a ziploc bag or container to preserve the natural aroma and flavor.

▷ Store in a dark and cool place away from direct sunlight. Storing in the refrigerator is recommended. It is vulnerable to humidity, and flowers tend to fade due to direct sunlight.

